Have A Look At Our Work
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
First Class
Second Class
Third Class
Fourth Class
Fifth Class
Sixth Class
Congratulations Quiz Team!
Congratulations to our 4 quiz teams who took part in the Credit Union Quiz on Monday 10th February.
Our teams were:
- Aoife, Cian, James, Dylan
- Charlotte, Sadhbh, Samuel, Éamonn
- Lauren, Lincoln, Lucien, Ignacio
- Lucy, Hannah, Gabriel, Finn
Check out some of the questions from the quiz:
- What is the most common surname in Ireland?
- Where on the human body is the thinnest layer of skin?
- Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the USA?
- What is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea?
- When the Ryder Cup returns to Ireland in 2027, what golf course will host it?
- Who was the second most streamed artist on Spotify in 2024?
- What bingo number is known as Dancing Queen?
- What animal is the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund?
Our four teams performed fantastically well against 30 other schools, with a total of 55 teams competing. Congratulations to Charlotte, Sadhbh, Samuel and Éamonn who came in 2nd place and will go forward to represent St. Mochta’s NS in the CUDA All-Ireland Final on 1st March.
Catholic Schools Week 2025
This week is Catholic Schools Week. We started our week with assemblies in the school hall. On Tuesday we will be celebrating Grandparents Day. Our Student Council will be helping with this day and all the Junior Infants are very excited to be welcoming their Grandparents into our school. Thanks to all the fifth classes who have completed some lovely artwork, to decorate the hall for Grandparents Day.
The theme for this year is Catholic Schools: Alive in Christ.
‘Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life. ‘ – Pope Francis
Each day we will look at this topic under different headings:
Monday: Life to the Full in Our Community of Friends
Tuesday: Life to the Full in Our Faith Community
Wednesday: Life to the Full in Our Families
Thursday: Life to the Full, for and with Others
Friday: Life to the Full for the Common Good for All
Our Christmas Tree 2024
All our boys, girls and staff enjoyed a celebration of hymns and songs around the Christmas tree. We bought a new 12 ft tree for the occasion and each child was invited to create their own decoration for the tree. With 9,000 lights and 835 decorations, our tree looks AMAZING!! Special thanks to Darren for all of his work on the tree. Take a look at this video of our fabulous tree!
In November We Remember
At this month’s assembly we spoke about All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Together, all the children in the school created a Remembrance Tree. Each class wrote the names of their loved ones who have passed away on a card. The children took it in turns to hand their class card on the tree. Our Remembrance Tree will be on school altar in the Reception for the month of November.
Halloween Fancy Dress!
Maths Week
The students and staff really enjoyed Maths Week at St. Mochtas last week. The theme of the week was MATHS TALK and we all worked hard to notice Maths around us and use Maths language as much as possible. Everyone at school completed the “Maths is important because…” activity and shared their ideas on an interactive display at the school entrance. It was fantastic to see children thinking outside the box at all the ways Maths is used every day! Our school yard was decorated with chalk showing all the work we have been doing on shape, pattern and even geometry! Infants loved their Pumpin investigation and were very busy estimating and measuring. 1st and 2nd Class took part in the Maths Eyes Competition and created amazing posters of Maths all around us! The Senior End of the school took part in Maths quizzes in the school hall, and ofcourse the Chess Tournament! The Tournament is still ongoing to crown the Chess Champion of St. Mochtas! Classes also decorate their doors with Maths and the judges are very busy deliberating to choose the winning door! There was lots of fun and prizes (including a teacher puzzle competition!) but the highlight of the week had to be the Sweet Jar Count! All of the children lodged their estimates but the winning class was Mr. Boner’s 6th Class with a guess of 227 (just 13 off the correct answer of 240 sweets). We hope everyone enjoyed all of the Maths Week adventures and don’t forget – MATHS IS ALL AROUND US!
St Mochta’s Abú!
Wow!! Huge congratulations to our boys football team on winning the final of the Cumann na mBunscoil Competition. We are incredibly proud of this great achievement.
Spooooky Scenes at St. Mochta’s
Boys Football
The Boy’s football team have had a good start to the season putting in 3 impressive performances in the group stage. The highlight of the group stage was the boys overcoming their local rivals St Benedicts after last years defeat in the final. We are so proud of the 31 boys who have been given the opportunity to put on the school jersey and represent themselves and the school with pride and dedication. Pictured is Captain for the match Eoin getting the boys ready before their final group stage game last week.
October Assembly
The theme of our assembly was The Rosary. We said a decade of The Rosary together. The children will be saying a decade of the Rosary in class every day this month.
Win for the girls!
St Mochta’s girls team are having a great 2024 season! We are undefeated this year and ready for the Quarter Finals this week. Mochtas Abú!!!
A New School Year – Welcome Back Assembly
We are delighted to welcome back all of our pupils and staff for the new school year. A particularly warm welcome to our new Junior Infants who started with us. It was incredible to see them arrive and settle into their classes. We are very proud of them and thank you parents for reading and following all our guidelines.
May Assembly
We gathered in the hall for a very special assembly. May is the month of Mary. The children really enjoyed learning more about Mary and seeing our May Altar.
Ms. Farrell also had great news to share with the children! The Inspectorate of the Department of Education conducted a Curriculum Evaluation in our school in April. The purpose of the visit was to evaluate provision for the subject of English. A team of 3 inspectors visited our school on both days. As part of the evaluation, the Inspectorate also conducted a short focus-group discussion with pupils in 6th class. We were so delighted with the feedback we received from the Inspectorate – a day off homework was well deserved!
Victory vs Scoil Choilm
Daffodil Day Fundraising
A tremendous amount of €1,815 was raised before Easter when our whole school community came together and WORE SOMETHING YELLOW. This money was shared between the Irish Cancer Society and Cancer Fund for Children. Many thanks to Ms. Schmidt and Mr. Boner for organising this fundraiser. Thank you to the school community for supporting such a worthy cause.
A special visit from the Sam Maguire
We were so delighted to welcome the Sam Maguire into our school! The lucky members of the school GAA teams took part in a Q&A session with two of the Dublin players Sean Forker and Greg McEneaney and then Sam was brought on a tour of the school. Hopefully we have some future county players in the making!
Quiz Team
U14 Quiz Team taking part in Credit Union Quiz, Carlton Hotel, 2nd March.
Book Week at St. Mochtas!
We began our events for Book Week 2024 with our Readathon , a reminder to read for the simple pleasure of it! We also had the privilege of welcoming some very distinguished and entertaining authors and storytellers to our school. Storyteller Helena Byrne visited 1st Classes. Peter Donnelly, winner of An Post Junior Children’s Book of the Year, visited 2nd classes. Alan Nolan, author of a book for World Book Day, visited 3rd and 4th Classes. Author Rod Smith visited 5th and 6th cLasses. Both children and staff enjoyed the presentations and workshops thoroughly.
St. Mochta’s in the snow!
Ash Wednesday
We gathered in the hall this week to celebrate Ash Wednesday. Ms. Farrell mixed the ashes and holy water for the children to see.
St. Brigid’s Day
6th Class were very busy this week making St. Brigid’s Crosses for members for our community. Fr. Paul gave them out at mass on Wednesday.
School Garden
Crocus and daffodils – the first spring flowers in our class garden boxes.
School Self-Evaluation and Improvement Process
A huge thank you to the selection of students from 1st – 6th Class who took part in the student survey as part of our School Self-Evaluation and Improvement Process. The children gave their opinions on the way in which additional support is being delivered across our school. Well done boys and girls!
Quiz Team
Congratulations and well done to our four fantastic quiz teams who represented St. Mochta’s on Monday 29th January in the Credit Union Schools Quiz 2024.
Our teams were:
– U11: James, Aoife, Cian and Mike
– U11: Samuel, Éamonn, Charlotte and Cormac
– U13: Lauren, Aleisha, Maria and Sarah
– U13: Laoise, Orla, Hugo and Seán
The teams did excellently well on the night. Competing against 50 other teams, they faced very tricky questions including:
– The Webb Ellis cup is awarded to the World Cup winners in which sport?
– What was the surname of the Scottish chemist who patented the waterproof material used in the making of raincoats?
– In what section of an orchestra would you expect to find a Cor Anglais?
– Found in the human body, cerumen is a sticky substance better known as what?
We are most proud of their excellent teamwork skills and how well they worked together. We are thrilled for one of our Under 11 teams – James, Aoife, Cian and Mike – who placed 1st in their category and will go on to represent our school at the next round in March. Comhghairdeas mór libh!
Catholic Schools Week 2024 – Grandparents Day
We were delighted to welcome the Grandparents of Junior Infants into our school on Wednesday this week. It has been 5 years since we had Grandparents Day! The current 4th Class welcomed their grandparents in 2019! The Junior Infants were so proud and excited to show their classrooms and some of their work to their grandparents. The Grandparents enjoyed a cup of tea afterwards in the hall. Thanks to Parents Association and to 4th Class for the decoration of the hall.
Catholic Schools Week 2024 – Welcome Assembly
Christmas Jumper Day for Barretstown
Carols around the Christmas Tree
All our boys, girls and staff enjoyed a celebration of hymns and songs around the Christmas tree. Many thanks to our amazing choir for their participation.
A Special Visitor arrived in our school. Ho! Ho! Ho!
Christmas is Coming!
Thank you to Darren for spreading some Christmas Cheer around the school!
Advent Assemblies
Our Amazing Library Mural
Our school is lucky to have a beautiful library, in which we have carefully curated a wide selection of books, to ensure every reader is provided for. It is space in which the children can learn to appreciate the gift of reading. Each week the children have time here to select and read a book that appeals to them.
Last month, the final touch was added to the walls of our library – an incredible mural! This mural has made the library an even more magical place. It’s walls are covered in bright illustrations of so many well-known book characters. The children were involved in this design every step of the way!
We would like to thank all those involved. Our Creative School’s Co-ordinator Valerie Haslam, who guided and supported us on this journey. Our Creative Schools Teacher’s Committee, who worked with our teaching staff to make certain that every child was involved in the mural’s design. Our Creative Schools Student’s Committee who worked tirelessly to ensure that the voice of our children was heard in every decision and reflected in the mural.
Finally, we must thank All Out Design, who patiently listened to every request and suggestion and used their incredible talents to make our mural come to life! We know that that this mural will be enjoyed by all the children of St. Mochta’s now and for many years to come!
Happy Halloween
Cumann na mBunscoil Autumn Football Final 2023
It was a huge achievement for our boys football team to reach the final of this competition. We are incredibly proud of them.
Parents’ Association 2023
The P.A. AGM took place on Thursday the 19th of October. Many thanks to our parents for their support and attendance on the evening. At this meeting, new parent members to the Board of Management were elected. Congratulations to Lisa Payne and Michael Mc Coy who will take on the role of parent nominees for the next Board of Management term.
October Assemblies
Boys Football Semi-Final
Our Boys Football Team have again qualified for the 2023 Cumann na mBunscoil Autumn Football Final which takes place next Tuesday 24th October in Croke Park. We extend all our best wishes and luck to the team as they head to Croke Park. We are incredibly proud of your achievement in reaching the final of this competition. We look forward to the game and thank you for this superb opportunity of another day out in Croke Park! Mochtas Abú!! As ever, we thank Mr. Hussey, Mr. McCarney, Mr. Boner and Mr. McCabe for their work with the team.
National Tree Day 2023
“The theme this year is: ‘Nuts about Nature’ – ‘Fiáin chun Dúlra’, and what better tree to champion the theme than the Hazel tree – also known as Corylus avellana or Crann Coll.
We planted a Hazel Tree Sapling in the yard this afternoon to mark National Tree Day.
St. Mochta’s National School – lucky winners!
Many thanks to Ms. Toland and Ms. Kennedy who participated in an Instagram competition over the summer and won a sensory corner for St. Mochta’s National School. The school received the prize at the end of last week which is temporarily set up in our library. We hope our children will enjoy this space.
Assemblies for The Beginning of a New School Year
Nore Valley Park Incubator Project
The school is participating in an Incubator Project run by Nore Valley Park Farm. Over the past few weeks, all our boys and girls have been learning from video links, and in a very real way by seeing with their own eyes, the lifecycle of a chick!
Our first chick hatched at 1.36am on Tuesday 13th June followed by another four chicks later in the day. All our boys and girls have had the opportunity to visit and view the chicks.
Our Official Opening – What a celebration!
Last Friday, our new school building was officially opened by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD and blessed by Most Rev. Dermot Farrell D.D. Archbishop of Dublin.
From early morning when all our children arrived on the yard at 8.50am with a souvenir commemorative flag, we knew this was going to be a unique day as there was great excitement. A drone flew over all of our girls, boys and staff recording a video to start this special day.
Invited guests began to arrive from 10.00 am. Visitors were met by our Student Council and were provided with a guided tour towards the school hall. On route to the hall, our Student Council show-cased the Per Cent for Art work on display on the corridors and provided guests with an overview of our school.
Eight children from each class level witnessed An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, cut a red ribbon at the school signifying the start of the official part of our celebrations. The theme for the day was ‘Reeling in the Years’. Each class group prepared a song representing a decade starting with the sixties. Our guests were blown away by the performances of our students.
Sincere thanks to everyone involved. As you can imagine, it takes an incredible amount of work to organise such a successful event. We are extremely proud of how the whole day went.
The school has been overwhelmed with compliments from our guests who were in awe of the performances of our children. It was difficult for them to imagine how the whole school participated in our official ceremony with such ease, professionalism and fun. Great credit is due to our staff but, of course, most praise must go to the stars of our official opening, our boys and girls! Without them, this event would not have been such a success and so enjoyable. Thank you for your efforts. We are incredibly proud of you.
Credit Union Quiz Team
Well done to our fantastic quiz team who competed in the Credit Union School Quiz All-Ireland Final on Sunday 2nd April in the RDS. The team showed off their excellent general knowledge, facing questions such as:
– Who was the founder and leader of the Bolsheviks?
– Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the solar system, found on what planet?
– The Seychelles are a group of islands found on what continent?
– In what year was the Good Friday Agreement signed?
They had a great day representing St. Mochta’s. They showed fantastic teamwork skills and proved themselves to be excellent ambassadors for our school. We are so proud of their amazing achievements. Maith sibh!
Ms McGloin and Ms Alvey
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023
Ag Caint san Oifig
Winners of Comortas Ealaine
Ceolchoirmeacha sa halla
Damhsa sa halla
Quiz teams
Well done to our two fantastic quiz teams who represented St. Mochta’s at competitions during the past week.
The team on Friday came in 1st place in the Credit Union Quiz Chapter round in Malahide. They now go on to represent our school at all-Ireland level in the RDS in April.
The team on Saturday competed in the CUDA Quiz All-Ireland Final in Tullamore. After a stiff competition, and two rounds of tie-breakers, the team came in 2nd place! A phenomenal achievement and we are so very proud of them.
Many thanks to Ms. McGloin and Ms. Alvey for their work preparing the teams to the parents/guardians who support the teams.
Book Week 2023
During Book Week Nicola Pierce visited 5th and 6th classes. Oisín McGann visited 4th class. A 6th class pupil drew these gifts for them.
Our first READ-A-THON as part of Book Week was a phenomenal success. We are delighted to announce that the unbelievable amount of €12,700 has been collected. Huge thanks to all our boys and girls for participating in this event.
Well Done to all of our Prize Winners!!
Dressing up for World Book Day
Our Sensory Pathway
The boys and girls were delighted to return to school after the midterm break to see that our amazing new Sensory Pathway had been installed. Lots of children across our school will make use of this wonderful resource for regulation going forward.
Creative Schools Art Competition.
A huge thank you to all the children who entered our recent Creative Schools Art Competition. The Student Committee had a very difficult job judging. Check out the winning entries!
The winners:
Infants – Miya Chen, Iarla Linnane, Hanna Buczkowska & Sonny Cantwell
1st & 2nd Class – Samuel O’Sullivan, Tomasc Rozycki, Maya Mc Coy & Chloe Daly
3rd & 4th Class – Ana Maria Tituleau, Melinda Cretu, Justin Varga & Emily Sheridan
5th & 6th Class – Holly Hoey, Chloe Goux, Leah Halpin & Yuyau Wei
Quiz Teams 2023.
On Monday 30th January, 4 teams from St. Mochta’s took part in the Credit Union School Quiz. Competing against 50 other teams, our boys and girls did such an amazing job and we are so very proud of them. Our four teams were:
– Dan McNamara, Rafael Monteiro, Daniel Connolly and Charlie Rowe
– Laoise Faherty, Cian Lawlor, Tom Farrell and James Plower
– Justin Bi, Jack Fitzpatrick, Cian O’Sullivan and Orla Hughes
– Katie Foran, Erin Hunt, Louis O’Connor and Daisy Parker
Some of the questions asked were particularly tricky, such as:
– What surname was shared by the literary sisters Charlotte, Emily and Ann?
– The eustachian tube extends from the throat to what part of the body?
– In what year did Adolf Hitler become the chancellor of Germany?
One of our teams – Laoise Faherty, Cian Lawlor, Tom Farrell and James Plower – came in 1st place in the Under 11 category with a phenomenal score of 54/60. This means they go through to the next round. We look forward to supporting them at the next stage and wish them the best of luck!
Catholic Schools Week 2023.
Christmas Carol Service with Mr Kenny’s class producing a drama ‘An Chéad Nollaig’.
The Panto came to St Mochtas on Christmas Jumper Day.
Our Senior Library Monitors (4th, 5th and 6th Classes) had a lovely treat this week as a THANK YOU for all their hard work in keeping our school library tidy and organised. Tayto sandwiches all round!
Our very own Winter Wonderland in the courtyard
Maths Eyes Poster winners
Congratulations to our Math’s Eyes Poster Competition winners!
The standard of entry was so high this year, it was very difficult to decide on our winners. A huge well done to everyone who participated.
First class: 1st place Lilli Matwiejczuk 2nd place Seth Reilly
Second class: 1st place Isabella Buhasi 2nd place Hannah Dumitriu
Third class: 1st place Yi Ming Lang 2nd place Aisling Browne
Fourth class: 1st place Annalise Conlan 2nd place Tom Farrell
Fifth class: 1st place Ryan McGettigan 2nd place Adam John
Sixth class: 1st place Mia Mortimer 2nd place Yu Yao Wei
Creative Schools
The children in St. Mochta’s really are a creative bunch! Our Creative Schools Student Committee visited all the classes last week to share their posters depicting all the ways they are creative. They also invited the children in each class to suggest ways they are creative too. The answers were many and varied, from Art & Craft to football!
Cumann na mBunscoil Winners!!!!
Victory Walk
Croke Park Thursday 17th October 2022
Huge support for the boys football team
It was a lovely surprise to arrive at the school this morning and have the bright colourful flags and bunting around the school. Huge thanks to the parents who organised this surprise over the weekend. The children and staff also gathered in the yard today to show their support to the team. Come on St Mochtas!!!
Croke Park here we come!!!
Congratulations to the boys football team on a great win yesterday. Special thanks to Mr Hussey & Mr McCarney for all of their work with the team. Thanks too to Mr Boner for his support. We are so proud of all of you.
So Long, Farewell to our wonderful Ms O’Boyce
14th October 2022
Junior ‘Surprise Assembly!’
Senior ‘Surprise Assembly!’
Corridor Displays
Our very own Superhero – Mr. Kenny the Ironman!
Mr. Kenny got a wonderful send-off from all the boys, girls and staff of St. Mochta’s National School. He heads off to Hawaii to represent Ireland at the Ironman World Championship 2022. We send him off with the very best of luck and look forward to hearing updates
GAA season 2022-2023
Well done to our Girls Football team who finished their season last week! We all had a great time (and improved our football skills along the way).
Well done to the Senior Boys team who got this years Cumann na mBunscol campaign off to a winning start.
Well done to our girls team who played well against Na Fianna, Glasnevin. Unfortunately it wasn’t our day but our girls played really well. Well done to all involved.
A N’ice cream Surprise
The Board of Management wanted to thank all the boys and girls for all that they have done through Covid – online learning, staying in pods in classes, staying in separate yard spaces, wearing masks and practicing good hand hygiene. They organised for ice cream vans to come to the school on Monday as a surprise treat. They wish everyone a very Happy Summer!
Creative Schools Week 2022
BT Young Scientist Primary Science Fair 2022
Ms O’Donoghue’s class participated in the BT Young Scientist Primary Science Fair 2022
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
World Book Day
The children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite character from a book.
Children’s Mental Health Week
A huge thank you to all of the children who helped out during Children’s Mental Health Week. It was a great success and it was amazing to see so many children get involved. Here are some of the entries for the art competition with the theme “We Grow Together”. The standard was incredibly high. Well done to everyone who entered.
Spreading some Christmas Cheer!
Mr Cyran organised for the PLAYground Orchestra to visit the school on the 6th December. The sun was shining and the orchestra performed two fantastic sets of Christmas carols for the children, spreading Christmas Cheer throughout the school.
St. Mochta’s Library is now open!
Click on the thumbnails below to view a selection of photos of the new library, which is now open for all class levels to use. The children are really enjoying their weekly visits to the library.
St. Mochta’s New School Building
Click on the thumbnails below to view a selection of our school photos.